Like all good things, our cruise adventures had to come to an end. When we woke up on our last morning, we found ourselves back in San Pedro. There was nothing left to do but finish packing and deboard the ship. As we collected our luggage from the cruise terminal and jumped in a cab to take us to our car rental in Long Beach, I thought about the wave of emotions I experienced a week earlier. I was so homesick and nervous that I didn't think I could possibly endure a week long vacation outside of the country. Like always, I proved to myself that I am stronger than I think I am, and I even developed a love for a little slice of heaven I like to call Cabo San Lucas.
Being the smart people that we are, we chose to drive home instead of revisit the Metro and Amtrak. There was nothing scary about our ride home (like the Metro) and there were no unforeseen detours (like Amtrak) along the way. It was your typical drive from southern California to northern California, and that is just the way I like it. One thing did escape our minds, however. Neither one of us thought to coordinate with Nick's parents to be home when we arrived at their house to pick up our truck (that we left when Nick's mom drove us to Amtrak the day before our cruise departure). Normally, it wouldn't matter if they were home since we could just hop in the truck and go. It wasn't that simple this time, though. One thing I never mentioned is that we left our keys inside Nick's parent's house prior to heading for Amtrak. We didn't want to worry about losing them on the Mariner of the Seas, so leaving them there seemed like the safe thing to do.
As it turns out, our keys were safe. They were just trapped inside Nick's parent's house. You see, Nick's parents weren't home when we came back into town. No amount of calling Nick's parents or his brother, the other key holder, helped our situation. We were on our own, and that required some creative thinking... and some criminal behavior.

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