I don't think I've ever made a New Year's resolution before, but I've been feeling like this is the perfect year to start. 2011 is so ripe for new beginnings that I thought I'd start with a bang and resolve to make not one, but three big changes this year.
1. Take better care of myself -
This one is so big, I don't even know where to start. Initially, I thought I'd make a New Year's resolution to start exercising like everyone else, but my need is so much more than that. I need to exercise and eat right, but I also need to care more about what I look like in general.
Let's just say that the whole concept of The Office Spread is true (at least for me it is, anyways). It's amazing what sitting in a cube for the last six years - for eight hours a day, five days a week - did to my body. Pair that with finishing my Bachelor's and starting and finishing my Master's during this time and you'll see that my thighs never really had a chance. Whoever created the idea of cube life was a complete asshole. I haven't gained a lot of weight, but the weight I gained went straight to my butt and thighs (ok, and my stomach and arms... and maybe my face). My proportions look completely ridiculous and that's what really bothers me... so, yes, I need to start exercising. I also need to start eating better. This isn't going to be a crazy diet, though. I know myself well enough to know that I can't stick to a real diet. Simply stated, I need to make better choices about what I am eating and not eat so much of it. I'm notorious for eating ginormous portions of food and later going back for seconds and thirds. Heck, when I'm eating breakfast, I'm thinking about what I'm going to have for lunch.
Equal to exercising and eating right, I NEED to start caring more about what I look like. I know that when I put thought into what I look like, I feel better. From here on out, I am going to get my hair cut on a regular basis, paint my nails, get pedicures, take my makeup off before falling asleep on those late nights, and otherwise spoil myself silly. Also, I can no longer use the excuse of dressing like a poor college student when I go to work. I can at least step it up and dress like a college graduate with a shit load of student loans to repay. In a nut shell, I just need to make the effort to look like who I really am on the inside.

2. Stop living for the future -
While I was in college I always thought my life would REALLY begin once I graduated. Then, when I started my Master's program, I knew my life would REALLY start after that. After that, I knew I had to find a new job before I could begin enjoying my life**. I'm not going to find a job anytime soon, so where does that leave me?
I know happiness comes from within; that's no secret to me. But I came across this quote and it helps to inspire me about living in the moment instead of living for the future. I have it on a magnet on my fridge. I love it and I need to keep this in mind in 2011:
"For a long time it seemed to me that life was about to begin - real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life. This perspective has helped me to see that there is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way. So treasure every moment you have and remember that time waits for no one." - Souza

3. Take more photos -
My kids are going to look back on our old photos and think, "what happened to mom from 2007-2010?" I used to take pictures all the time to document important events in my life and even not-so-important events. Then, for whatever reason, I just stopped. There is a serious gap in my iPhoto library, people. I even struggle to find pictures to put in our Christmas cards. Not cool. So now I am declaring 2011 to be The Year of Photos. Seriously... more photos... I promise.

** I should have prefaced this by saying that I love my life. I am grateful for my family, true friends, and sweet doggies. I am thankful that I have a job. I am thankful that I have a house. But, while I enjoy my life, I am always looking forward to finishing things or starting new chapters. I recognize that I am not usually living in the moment.
1. Take better care of myself -
This one is so big, I don't even know where to start. Initially, I thought I'd make a New Year's resolution to start exercising like everyone else, but my need is so much more than that. I need to exercise and eat right, but I also need to care more about what I look like in general.
Let's just say that the whole concept of The Office Spread is true (at least for me it is, anyways). It's amazing what sitting in a cube for the last six years - for eight hours a day, five days a week - did to my body. Pair that with finishing my Bachelor's and starting and finishing my Master's during this time and you'll see that my thighs never really had a chance. Whoever created the idea of cube life was a complete asshole. I haven't gained a lot of weight, but the weight I gained went straight to my butt and thighs (ok, and my stomach and arms... and maybe my face). My proportions look completely ridiculous and that's what really bothers me... so, yes, I need to start exercising. I also need to start eating better. This isn't going to be a crazy diet, though. I know myself well enough to know that I can't stick to a real diet. Simply stated, I need to make better choices about what I am eating and not eat so much of it. I'm notorious for eating ginormous portions of food and later going back for seconds and thirds. Heck, when I'm eating breakfast, I'm thinking about what I'm going to have for lunch.
Equal to exercising and eating right, I NEED to start caring more about what I look like. I know that when I put thought into what I look like, I feel better. From here on out, I am going to get my hair cut on a regular basis, paint my nails, get pedicures, take my makeup off before falling asleep on those late nights, and otherwise spoil myself silly. Also, I can no longer use the excuse of dressing like a poor college student when I go to work. I can at least step it up and dress like a college graduate with a shit load of student loans to repay. In a nut shell, I just need to make the effort to look like who I really am on the inside.

Image courtesy of FoundryParkInn
2. Stop living for the future -
While I was in college I always thought my life would REALLY begin once I graduated. Then, when I started my Master's program, I knew my life would REALLY start after that. After that, I knew I had to find a new job before I could begin enjoying my life**. I'm not going to find a job anytime soon, so where does that leave me?
I know happiness comes from within; that's no secret to me. But I came across this quote and it helps to inspire me about living in the moment instead of living for the future. I have it on a magnet on my fridge. I love it and I need to keep this in mind in 2011:
"For a long time it seemed to me that life was about to begin - real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life. This perspective has helped me to see that there is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way. So treasure every moment you have and remember that time waits for no one." - Souza

3. Take more photos -
My kids are going to look back on our old photos and think, "what happened to mom from 2007-2010?" I used to take pictures all the time to document important events in my life and even not-so-important events. Then, for whatever reason, I just stopped. There is a serious gap in my iPhoto library, people. I even struggle to find pictures to put in our Christmas cards. Not cool. So now I am declaring 2011 to be The Year of Photos. Seriously... more photos... I promise.

Image courtesy of paolo.rally
** I should have prefaced this by saying that I love my life. I am grateful for my family, true friends, and sweet doggies. I am thankful that I have a job. I am thankful that I have a house. But, while I enjoy my life, I am always looking forward to finishing things or starting new chapters. I recognize that I am not usually living in the moment.
Happiness is the way, I love that. Love reading this post, a great reminder of what is truly important.