November 30, 2011

Everyone is Fighting a Battle

Ugh. Read this post. It's heartbreaking. I can't even imagine.

This quote comes to mind:

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." - Plato*

We're all fighting our own battles, right? It's like, people are fighting hard, hard battles every day. A neighbor might be struggling to find a job, a coworker might be fighting an addiction, or a clerk at the store might be grieving a loved one's death. And someone might be dealing with having a baby ripped from her arms. Most of us would never know these things about a stranger.

This world just works in the most mysterious ways, and stories like this remind me that everyone is going through something no matter how big or how small. Because, really, the magnitude of one's battle is relative. It reminds me that no matter how nice I think I am to people, I can always be nicer. Because maybe someone who is going through a hard time needs kindness from others, even from perfect strangers. You just never know. 

Times Square

Photo: Source

*There is debate about who the quote should be attributed to (Plato, John Watson, others...). More on that here.


  1. I'd been waiting with bated breath for over a year to hear that Alicia and Andy had finally gotten a baby. I was so distracted every day after the birthmother went into labor, waiting to see pictures. And when that post was the one I saw instead of what I had been expecting, I cried for an hour. I just can't imagine.

    My optimism often disappoints me in the worst way. :-(

  2. I don't read that blog normally, but happened to come across this post. So sad. You're so compassionate and empathetic, Sheri. You're just a good human being, in general :) I hope good things are to come for them.

  3. Sheri I agree with Sara, you have a heart of gold. And Sara, this is so true, I haven't read the post yet, but it's a good reminder for us all.

  4. Mom, it would make you so sad...

  5. I don't know if you've followed Alicia Paulson's blog, but she and Andy finally received a baby girl a couple of weeks ago. :-)

  6. I don't, actually, but I am so glad to hear that. I will have to take a look at her blog, because I remember her story... That is such great news!!!


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