"Perhaps our eyes need to be washed by our tears once in a while, so that we can see Life with a clearer view again." - Alex Tan
As the universe would have it, we've lost two people in our lives one week right after the next. Last week we lost my parents' neighbor of 12 years, someone who was a close friend to our family, and this week we lost Nick's uncle, someone who holds a very special place in my husband's heart. Lots of tears have been shed over the past two weeks as we think about the these two special men, all the things we should have said, and how we could have behaved differently.
Let's remember that it's important to tell people how we feel about them before it's too late. We don't need to be embarrassed about saying how we really feel or showing that we care. With kindness and compassion, there is nothing to be embarrassed about.